General Services


At New Delmon Hospital, we provide a wide range of comprehensive and high-quality services to cater to all your healthcare needs. From emergency care to specialized treatments, we have a dedicated team of professionals and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure your well-being.

Our Emergency and Outpatient Departments (ETU & OPD) are equipped to handle any medical emergencies and provide immediate care. With our streamlined channel consultation process, you can quickly access the expertise of our experienced doctors. Our Pharmacy is well-stocked with a wide range of medications, ensuring that you have easy access to the prescribed medicines for your treatment. Additionally, our Ambulance Service is available round the clock for safe and timely transportation in case of emergencies.

For critical cases requiring intensive care, our ICU is equipped with advanced monitoring systems and staffed by highly skilled medical professionals who provide personalized care around the clock. We also prioritize patient comfort with our Inward Patient Care facilities designed for a comfortable stay during recovery. Our Operating Theatres are equipped with the latest technologies and adheres to stringent safety protocols for surgical procedures. The Endoscopy Unit offers non-invasive diagnostic procedures performed by skilled specialists.

We understand the importance of comprehensive maternity care, which is why we have dedicated Maternity & Labour facilities where expectant mothers receive personalized attention throughout their pregnancy journey. Our Physiotherapy department provides rehabilitation services tailored to individual needs for optimal recovery. We offer Day Care Facility for minor procedures that do not require hospitalization but still require medical supervision where our Vaccination Centre ensures that you and your loved ones are up-to-date with essential immunizations.

We also have a Dental Clinic staffed by experienced dentists who provide a range of dental services from routine check-ups to specialized treatments. For neurology-related diagnostics such as EEG (Electroencephalography), Holter Monitor tests, or Audiology evaluations, we have dedicated departments equipped with the latest technology and experienced specialists.